Abandoned Commercial Detroit
Rules of Urbex Exploration Documentation


Along the way of Urban Exploration you have to identify your rules and reasons these are the list of rules we at abandonedcommercialdetroit follow

When urban exploring abandoned commercial detroit will never enter a building that does not follow the following rules

-No Power

-No Cameras

-No Secured by (ADT, Guardian,etc)

-No Security guard

These rules are in place to minimize chances of being caught, abandoned commercial detroit stands as a website to document the decay of detroit and to show people a insight into the history, architecture, and story each building holds in order to showcase an easy and simple story to follow we do share locations of places we explored and do not gatekeep locations, once again we are a website dedicated to historical recounts of abandoned buildings in the Detroit region. We believe everyone should be able to experience Detroit history in the city they grew up in. We do understand that gatekeeping locations is a way to keep vandals and other unwanted trespassers out of buildings. Once again abandoned commercial detroit stands as a historical recount of Detroit’s best icons both big and small, not a website meant to prohibit people from experiencing a beautiful city with hundreds of years of history and many icons of architectural beauty.

This also means that abandoned commercial detroit does not upload videos on “how to Urbex” instead focusing on “Full Explorations” and “Documentary type footage”.

We do not upload spam videos of things such as Stillwater, Dangers of Urbex, Etc. and instead focus on the locations we document which is a lot. With our non gatekeeping policy this allows us to properly document history in the Detroit region.

Do we run into Squatters? Yes it’s Urban Exploration, but do note abandoned commercial detroit never takes direct pictures of homeless/squatter belongings and believes in respecting the homeless and the home they make in our locations.

You ruined the spot by giving out the location. We document the history, most locations we explore are already decayed and most locations are documented in the Detroit region which is known for crime so vandals will find a will and way to get in given a location or not from viewing our material or not.

How do you find locations? Research and getting outside and looking around at the great city of Detroit.

Why so many pictures? We believe that once it’s gone it’s up to the memories, pictures and videos to tell the story, how can you do that if you don’t showcase your full exploration.

What gear is used? Main author Matt Scruggs uses a Sony Alpha 7III Camera, along with a variety of light sources most notable being his 5000 lumen flashlight. We do not use tripods instead opting to use the freehand style of photography and video

Do we colab with other Urbexers? Yes but only certain ones we see fit to follow our mission of documenting Detroit history, we aren’t interested in your stillwater so don’t ask.