History of the Sears Watertower
The Sears Watertower was one of Downriver's most well-known icons until its demolition on 9/4/24. The Watertower had the notable name of being called "The Q-Tip". Its purpose was to supply water pressure to the fire systems inside the Lincoln Park Sears store. It was built in 1956 alongside the Sears. The Watertower was the last step of the demolition process for the Demolition Crew "Tower Construction", which led the Sears Lincoln Park demolition from April 12th, 2024 to early September 2024. The Watertower stood as a staple to show Downriver what the past had brought to the region and what many Metro Detroiters grew up seeing almost every day.
The Tower lays on it's side smashed from the demolition
the base of the tower
looking inside the base
extra platforms meant to help in climbing to the top
looking back towards the base
inside the middle tube of the tower
wideshot of the base of the tower
the Q-tip part was badly smashed
Extra ladder platform
inside the Globe part of the Tower, Rusted badly from the years of abandonment and water held inside
the middle pillar inside the tower
the top of the globe
a hatch likely the hatch to the ladders leading up to the top of the tower
outside look of the once SEARS logo that made a staple of Downriver and a notable landmark
looking back at the base from the side of the tower
the base was badly snapped during the tipping
the Globe sticks out in the remaining rubble of the Sears store