Courville Elementary School

18040 Saint Aubin St, Detroit, MI 48234

-Abandoned 2007

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History of Courville Elementary School

Courville Elementary was built in 1921 as the rapidly expanding Detroit Public Schools District needed another school. The original building was finished in 1922. The school is named after Elizabeth Courville, a principal and teacher who died in a car accident in 1916. A 1929 expansion to the school doubled the size of the building. This expansion included a second gymnasium, which was uncommon in Detroit elementary schools. Upon completion of the expansion in 1929, the school became home to a dedicated café , a double-decker auditorium, and two gymnasiums. This was nothing short of impressive for an elementary school. Along with the size of the building, this school was a jewel of Detroit schools. In later years , throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, the school was known for its choir, which performed in many cities across the U.S. In 2007, the school was down to half of its capacity at 570 at its closure. The school was ultimately closed due to its condition in 2007 as part of the Detroit Public Schools downsizing between 2007 and 2012. Even with the closure, the music never died, as the choir program was moved to Mason-Farwell School in 2008. The Mason-Farwell School closed in 2012. The music program of the two schools was then transferred to Farwell Jr . High School . The school was sold to the land bank in 2015.

Recollection from the author

Courville was by far the most beautiful of the abandoned Detroit schools we have explored, from the windows to the still relatively still good condition building. The banners still intact on the wall took me back to my early grade school days. Many pieces of the building that told a rich story still intact almost 20 years later. The auditorium and gyms though not the best we have seen was a contender for the best. For a very early closing school in the Detroit Public Schools downsizing throughout 2007 to 2012, This school was a survivor, and lasts to this day while many like it have fallen such as Jane Cooper Elementary.


The Vanity Ballroom


Mason Elementary School